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 Anxiety/panic attacks while driving?
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Brook Peacock
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116 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2021 :  11:42:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Brook Peacock's Homepage  Reply with Quote

I am sorry if I may be in the wrong thread, but I could use some suggestions. My anxiety usually only occurs when I am driving, and usually in bad weather or at night. I was looking for actual coping skills, but all I got was to take a pill or to not drive. I don't think that either option is realistic, because one, benzos are addictive and I do not want to become dependent, and two, this is my line of work. It used to be way worse, but it has gotten better since I have been taking Effexor. I do certain things, like make sure that I get enough sleep and put the radio on so that I do not become over-aware of my body sensations. I also use self-talk to some degree. Does anyone else have this problem, and if so, what do you do to cope and gain more confidence?

Edited by - Brook Peacock on 01/26/2021 11:43:23 PM

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United States
196 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2021 :  10:54:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I feel what your going through. I had a tough time dealing with the covid and during all that I fell and broke several ribs. I went to the Dr. and told him i was a bus driver and couldn't take anything habbit forming he prescribed a couple of pills it took a week or two for them to start working. I have passed my drug test so I have been doing really good, my Dr. said there are a lot of meds out so should be able to find one that works for you. Hope this helps because i know what it's like to be driving and have a panic attach. Best wishes and hope you find something that helps you.
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Brook Peacock
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116 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2021 :  12:37:13 AM  Show Profile  Visit Brook Peacock's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I wanted to give you an update. I sat and tried to think about just what exactly it is that bothers me about driving and what I could do about it. One thing that I noticed is that I pay too much attention to the speedometer when I drive on the highway. I get paranoid that I am going too slowly for the person behind me, even if I happen to be going along with the flow of traffic. I just decided that if someone gets that annoyed that that is what the left lane is for. Even though I get nervous when I drive, I rationalize that I am a defensive driver and not Mr. Magoo, so if someone gets impatient, it is really their choice. I notice that I bite my lip or the inside of my cheek when I get anxious sometimes, so I have a pack of chewing gum in my car. I also don't like it when the driver seat reclines. I feel more secure with the seat straighter up so I adjust it to where I can rest my head without having to lean back. For some reason that makes me feel safer. I still hate driving past all the road construction on the highway, especially on the way home because it is nighttime when I leave work, and the highway construction is more intensive on that side of the highway. I have been noticing for some reason that once I pass a particular exit, that I start to calm down a bit. My mechanic said that on my old tires that I will hydroplane in bad weather, so, being as suggestible as I am, I got paranoid about that. I have some new tires that I have researched to be very good in inclement weather. My therapist said that maybe I should go online and research driving techniques and it helped. There were some suggestions that I have incorporated and the information that I read gave me some confidence. Just because some people road rage or tailgate or go 20 miles over the speed limit in a construction zone doesn't mean that the fault lies with me. I think that's about it, and I haven't panicked since I posted my OP. Let's hope that it keeps up!
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Posted - 06/08/2021 :  11:31:52 AM  Show Profile  Click to see RBurt's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Brook, that's great that you've begun working things out for yourself! I know these feelings can be challenging in our line of work. One thing I do is become a "Zen" driver. I'd heard the term used somewhere else years ago, and it worked for me. When I drive I tell myself, "No matter what anyone else does, I'm going to follow the rules because my safety and that of my passengers depends on me staying calm."
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Brook Peacock
Senior Member

116 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2021 :  12:56:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit Brook Peacock's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'll check that out, thanks, bud!
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